✨ कॉर्पोरेट पार्टी मनाएं विशालगढ़ फार्म्स के साथ और पाये अच्छा डिस्काउंट। बुकिंग के लिए कॉल करें - +91-9311233123, 9643394343✨


  • Tickets booked online cannot be changed / altered / transferred or cancelled
  • As per policy we do not cancel/refund/change any ticket once booked online. This no refund/no change/no cancellation policy is implemented without any exception. No such request will be entertained.
  • Booking will be valid only for the date of visit chosen by you during the online transaction and shall remain valid till the closing time on that date.
  • Ticket is valid on the date of issue for one-time entry only.
  • It is mandatory to carry the Email/ SMS confirmation of e – ticket to the ticket counter to avail entry.
  • E-Ticket will be verified at the special ticket counter and after verification, Entry ticket will be allotted to the guests.
  • Please Carry Id Proof of the person in whose name booking is made. You will be asked to produce the same at entry point.
  • While purchasing tickets, carefully review your booking details. No change information or refund is possible once the ticket is booked.